Pawnshops, Secondhand Merchandise Dealers, & Catalytic Converter Purchasers

Every pawnbroker, non-exempt secondhand merchandise dealer, and Catalytic Converter Purchaser is required to keep a record of each article of property that a person pawns or sells to the business. The information is required to be submitted to a statewide repository that is accessible to law enforcement.

NOTE: Please download and carefully review the Pawnshop, Secondhand Merchandise Dealer, Catalytic Converter Purchaser Orientation Packet 

If you have further questions after reading these materials, please contact the Division at The orientation packet above gives detailed information regarding:

  • The registration requirements and process for Pawnshop, Secondhand Merchandise Dealer, Catalytic Converter Purchasers.
  • An explanation of the Utah Central Database and the relevant contact information.
  • A summary of certain sections of the Pawnshop, Secondhand Merchandise and Catalytic Converter Transaction Information Act 13-32a-101 et seq.
  • Frequently Asked Questions.
  • Additional resources and links.
Take Pawnshop, Secondhand Merchandise Dealer, and Catalytic Converter Purchaser Annual Training

Important Notice from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission

This information is made available as a free public service without any express or implied warranties, and is subject to the following disclaimers:

  1. ACCURACY. The State makes no guarantee of the completeness or accuracy of this information. The State makes no promise or warranty to maintain or update the information. The user assumes the risk of verifying materials.
  2. NO WARRANTIES. In providing this information, the State makes no express or implied warranty, and does not assume any responsibility for the information's accuracy, completeness, currency, or use for any purpose.